Matt Miller

Director of Business Solutions

Starting at ACS 22 years ago, it could be said that Matt “grew up at ACS”, and that Matt “grew ACS up” as well. Matt started out in an entry level position, working in warehouse and office operations, learning the business entirely from the ground up. Matt enjoys using data analytics to deliver KPIs and data that support our operations, make better business decisions, solve problems, improve the customer experience, and our overall performance. Matt took ACS through a digital transformation in 2005, and is currently spearheading yet another which we call ACS 2.0. This will allow us to see the entire lifecycle of a customer’s order. This task-driven system will include mobile connectivity to field teams for real time automation, text communications to customers, and a customer portal for self-service options as well.

Matt enjoys hockey, music, baseball, soccer, traveling, and spending time with his family, often all at the same time!

matt miller